Another day another piece of the closet checked off! I've lost track of what part I'm on.. Part 12? Here we go! If you're new here, check out some of the previous posts from this overly long closet build...
What have I completed over the past couple nights? Considering I work full time like many others, and I'm usually absolutely beat when I get home, I'll take anything I get done on a weeknight as a success.
I have uppers! Well, 5 out of 6 (maybe 7?) done!
Trying to get panels cut at my closet Home Depot was a pain this weekend. Their "saw was down" so they couldn't cut 1/2" plywood for me... in my experience that usually means they just don't want to do it. So, I went 20 minutes to the next Home Depot, and they only had contractor packs of 1/2" plywood... so instead my impatient butt said fine give me the 1/2" MDF and they cut that down into 14" strips so it could fit in the car. I know I know MDF versus plywood is always a hot topic... but it's going to be primed, painted and trimmed out with wood anyways. There's not going to be anything overly heavy up here and I wasn't going any farther, and so far it's work just fine!
I haven't screwed them into the studs yet, that's next. I'm also still figuring out how to make that wonky corner usable, this weekend I'm going to see if I can make a shelf template out of some foam board to mock up. It will be a funky trapezoid, I've done the calculations, so we'll see how it works out. But I haven't built the last box over that pax unit because if I want to build anything in that corner, I wouldn't be able to slide it in.
This weekend's focus is going to be replacing the top of the dresser and getting that built out, the corner unit, and the last overhead unit hopefully... lots to do in little time. But the vision is coming together! At first everyone said I was nuts and should just hire someone or keep it simple... now they're asking when it will be done and saying all the neighbors will want to hire me like after they did my diamond wall!
Finish work is going to be tedious... I caved and ordered a paint sprayer so... that will be a new learning experience.
Either way, that's all for now on this foggy Florida Fri-yay.
See ya'll next time, TOODLES!
- K