Where we at, part 15? I tell you I am ready for this closet to be D O N E! But, still a ways to go for that so where we at so far this week... but before we get into that as ya'll know, check out the progress from the previous posts if you're new here.
Onto this week! Well, I realized I made a mistake putting up the faux shiplap. I was so ready to just get everything on the walls I didn't even think about pre-painting them... that would have saved so much time and sore shoulders! I have a paint sprayer coming it's just taking a while to arrive...
Anyways. this color is 100% a trust the process and trust the vision. I always do this, I second guess every color I choose, but it [almost] always turns out great... see my Guest Room project for a color that I highly questioned in the beginning and it ended up being my favorite DIY so far.
All the shiplap is Sherwin Williams Indigo Batik. Pretty much everything in my house is some sort of blue and white. Did you even go to Penn State if you don't decorate blue and white?
The Current State
What's next?
Well tonight I'm going to finish the first coat of all this blue... but then up next is learning to skim coat. My New England butt doesn't like Florida's textured walls. I get the point of them here, but still not a huge fan. In this case, I didn't use the back of the pax units because they're flimsy and the extra supports I added didn't allow for it. So my options are to use another backing, or just smooth out and repair the walls behind. While it may be a bit more work, I think skim coating the walls is going to be the best long term option. So wish me luck.
Where to go from here?
Once the skim coating is complete, It's time to trim out and caulk everything. The end goal is to make everything look seamless, it's a feat, but I am determined to make this look as nice as possible since I have put so much work in so far.
So as of today here's the to do list... and aiming to be done in 3 weeks... as long as my paint sprayer arrives, c'mon amazon do better.
Skim coat
Poly Dresser Top
Drawer Hardware
Rug Runner
And then it's about a month break and onto the Spring One Room Challenge! Stay tuned for that project reveal, it's a LOT smaller and hopefully more manageable in 8 weeks. Overall, I have a lot of ideas, just trying to put them in order of idea complete-ness. I want to work on specific projects, but instead my brain is like but nahhhh you have this fully flushed out idea for a completely different room and well... rather than fight it I have to go where I see the vision. Stay tuned.
Is it Friday yet?
- K